“Anunnaki: Ancient Secrets Revealed” is a groundbreaking docuseries hosted by 4BiddenKnowledge Inc founder and CEO Billy Carson, that delves into the enigmatic history and influence of the Anunnaki—ancient deities from Mesopotamian cultures. The series explores theories suggesting that the Anunnaki were not mere mythological figures but advanced beings who played a pivotal role in shaping early human civilizations.
The docuseries examines various aspects of the Anunnaki narrative, including their possible origins, technological prowess, and the profound impact they may have had on human development. By analyzing ancient texts, archaeological findings, and contemporary interpretations, “Anunnaki: Ancient Secrets Revealed” aims to shed light on the mysteries surrounding these ancient beings and their legacy.
The premiere of “Anunnaki: Ancient Secrets Revealed” took place on November 2, 2024, offering audiences an immersive experience into the world of the Anunnaki. The series is now available for streaming on the 4BiddenKnowledge TV app, accessible via platforms such as Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iOS, Google Play, Samsung TV, and on the official 4BiddenKnowledge Network 4BK.TV.
For those interested in exploring the series further, and seeing a glimpse into the compelling content and insights presented by Billy Carson, click here to watch ANUNNAKI: Ancient Secrets Revealed – LA Premiere [Behind the Scenes]. For updates on future premieres visit 4BiddenKnowledge.com.